Astrology Reading

Astrology Reading

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Astrology is the ancient Greek aphorism,”know thy self”, inscribed above the door at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, coined by Socrates, followed by Plato, and used by Aeschylus in his play Prometheus Bond. Fast forward, the maxim is inscribed over the Oracles door in The Matrix. So, few words but powerful impact, as Astrology is an art, a pseudo-science that can assist one to know and have a deeper understanding of oneself and others. Our ancestors have a looked to the skies for guidance since time began. It is an art that spans from ancient Greece, Asia, and Africa.


At the time of our birth, a snapshot of the planets and zodiac signs were in the heavens. The characterises of the signs and the energy of the planets (inter alia), at the time of birth determine who we are, our past lives, our traits, challenges, and abilities and shines a light on our purpose in life. Our birth chart is like our fingerprint which is unique to us.


There are various Astrological disciplines such as, Predictive astrology. Counselling astrology (many counsellors and therapists combine their practice with astrology). Synastry astrology (relationships analysis). Medical astrology, Karmic astrology (past -life). Horary astrology (asking specific question, where is a lost item, or when is the right time to purchase a house). Business astrology (looking at the personalities of perspective employees; prediction of financial and marketing trends); Electional astrology (identifying favourable times to get married or start a business) Mundane astrology (looking at world events).


If you would like an Astrology reading, I need your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth, as I will need to prepare and study the individual chart before the actual reading take place.


An Astrology reading with me will cost £65.00 and can last for an hour and a half.

An image of a a golden sun in the centre with astrology symbols around

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