I am having the time of my life right now as I enjoy my birthday treat from me to me. A friend suggested I celebrate as I did not have the intention to do anything. I am glad I listened and took her advice, as I reflected on the number of close friends that have passed away at such tender ages . Some who were younger than me and others just a few years older. I had dinner with eclectic friends. Danced as if no one was looking and then boarded a plane. Once I reached my destination I did a lot of meditation and swimming. I took long walks by the sea and the cliffs.Grounded myself and communicated with the sky, the sun ,the crescent moon and the sea. I checked my phone only now and then as I realised the beauty of no technology, being able to completely zone out and just listen to natures voice.
With the moon in Cancer ,the sun in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces this is a perfect trine and a perfect time for me to be by the sea feeling inspired and being creative . Thoughts travelled through my mind that the best things in life are free. Yes no doubt, money is needed as without that I would not be here. Yes money can give you freedom to to some extent,to do what you please when you please. But my question is this-how much money does one really need? Will we ever have enough once we have the house or in some cases houses; the car or in some cases cars? Can we get caught in societies web of wanting more ; needing more and when we get more it is never enough! Do we end up chasing our own tails ,searching and wanting that eternal high of materialisim and capitalisim, when real happiness and wealth comes from within, once we know how?
I am not a millionairess yet. But right now I feel so wealthy! Looking at things from a different perspective , enjoying my journey, taking the rough with the smooth it’s all part of life’s lessons, in the persuit to gaining balance and harmony and not just money. The ancients spoke about it, the mystics wrote about and others sing about it -the so called Secret. I look at the clock it reads 15:11- I hear an angel message coming through confirming that I am on the right track. This can happen when we trust ourselves, listen to our intuition and understand that everything works in universal timimg and order ,wether we believe in it or not.
Though my life’s journey this far , I realise and accept that findining a piece of peace in whatever we do really does work . And guess what ?It’s absolutely free -try it and see!
Mistry Moon Floindigo -just flowing, just vibing, just being…
Inspired by Ruby’s link up Thought of the day.